Help for Pastors

You are not alone.

I’ve been there. Feeling like quitting. Wondering if my ministry matters to anyone.  Wishing, like Elijah under the broom tree, that God would just take my life. Believe me, I understand. 

Something I learned as God brought me from burnout and depression to health and freedom is there are five relationships every pastor needs.

  • A friend who is a pastor you can call when necessary.
  • A mentor in ministry to talk with at least monthly.
  • A qualified Christian counselor to meet with as needed.
  • A Spiritual Director to see at least once each year.
  • A pastor coach for monthly help.

These relationships can be long distance (except the mentor and counselor). You can talk on the phone or video chat. Ask your denominational leaders to help you get funding for the counselor, director, and coach.

If you have no one to talk with, send an email to: sean(at)pastorsoul(dot)com 
Replace the words in parenthesis with symbols.
or use our contact page in the menu above.

There are some great helps in the “books” section of this website too. Just be sure you talk to someone even if it’s just to say “I’m really struggling right now, would you pray for me?” Even though I don’t know you, I’m praying for you. 

May God restore to you the JOY of your salvation,

Director of The Pastor’s Soul