Our Values

The light that guides us home.
  1. The Bible guides our attitudes, actions, and teaching for pastors and churches.
  2. Pastors are a gift from God to be treasured and honored. 1 Thessalonians 5:12-13
  3. Encouraging the pastor is the job of the whole church. Hebrews 13:17
  4. Relational and missional unity between pastors and church boards.  Ephesians 4:3 & 13
  5. Offer everything free or as inexpensively as possible.
  6. Pastors’ families often suffer in silence, they deserve our love and support.
  7. The whole church bears some responsibility for pastor burnout, moral failure, and forced exits. Galatians 6:2
  8. Pastors, church leaders, and pastors’ families must find their identity in Christ alone and not in their job, their church, their success, or in the praise of others.
  9. All spiritual leaders (both pastor and board members) must be in close relationship with God in order to spiritually discern his will.
  10. Healthy spiritual rhythms produce heart-driven mission.